Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hayden's 1st Haircut

Being that Hayden's at that age where sitting still is not is favorite thing to do, we were a bit concerned that he may not cooperate for his first haircut. Fortunately, with a little patience and a few visual distractions, He received a nice trim and is ready for a night out on the town.

Hayden's Halloween

Hayden sported his first costume for a few Halloween events this past October. Jen picked out a nice, warm outfit of the poultry variety. We're hoping we aren't setting him up for future employment at KFC, but he did look awfully cute. Here's a few shots from Zoo Boo at the Como Zoo

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Catching up...

What a busy summer! We apologize for the lack of updates here, we hope to stay up to speed from now until the holidays. Here's pics of Hayden from this past summer. Enjoy!

First up is a couple pics from July and August - a cold outing at St. Paul Grand Old Days and a walk around Centennial Lakes Park. Then some photos around the house.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Finally, food!

After six months of strictly formula, Hayden has finally begun to experience what else is out there in the world of food. We started him on peas and quickly expanded his menu to green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches and bananas. He's been enjoying every bite...or is that "slurp"? Well, here are a few photos of his first venture into the world of fruits and veggies. He wasn't sure about the peas at first, but he quickly acquired a taste for them.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Big chair, little Hayden

We let Hayden try out the grown-up chair as opposed to his strap-in seat. As you can see, it's a bit spacious but I'm sure he'll fill it out over time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Proud parents

Jen and I are so grateful for our little one. We keep telling ourselves how fortunate we are to have such a happy, healthy baby. Hayden seems to have a positive impact on everyone he meets and has certainly blessed our lives as well. Hayden never seems short on smiles or giggles and always finds a way to brighten our day.


Hayden has a new Johnny Jump Up that he can spend time in. He's a bit too small for the seat, so we added a little extra stuffing to fill it in. He hasn't quite gotten the "jumping" down yet, but he really enjoys spinning around and swinging. He's figured out he has some control over the movement if he pushes his little feet on the ground, which wears him out pretty quick.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

License to Chill

The last few weeks Hayden has been very busy learning new things and gaining new experiences, but he still finds time to sit back and relax every once and a while.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Hayden's first St. Patrick's Day was a busy one! He meet Grandma Cindy at Barnes & Noble then went to Applebee's for a Holiday dinner where he was the most popular guy at the restaurant. He certainly is a little conversation starter!
Earlier in the day, Hayden spent some time playing with his pals Brody and Nate.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

In this line of business, you have to wear more than one hat.

Shown here are two ways Hayden has kept his head warm this winter. He's already outgrown a couple of hats, but fortunately his Air Jordan hat is quite strechy, so that has outlasted some of the others. Anyway, he still needs to "represent" when he's on the court.
We also get a glimpse at a surprise entry from Grandpa Clarence, I guess he's a Harley guy already!

Up close and personal

Here's a few close-ups of Hayden from a couple weeks back. He seemed pretty interested in the camera...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Over the river and throught the woods....

Here's a few pictures I just received from our holiday visits with Grandma Cindy. It's amazing to look at these and see how much he's grown in just the last couple months. Fortunately, he's still just as cute!

Oh, and that last picture shows his reaction to finding out his Christmas dinner was restricted to formula. Oh well, maybe next year, Hayden!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

His Majesty's Royal Throne

Being that Hayden pretty much dictates life around the house already, we felt it appropriate that he has his own seat which from he can rule his kingdom in comfort.

Actually, Hayden, now at a whopping 9 lbs, 3 oz, is finally big enough to begin sitting up with the assistance of his Bumbo.

Doesn't he look content?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Up, up and away!

We often find Hayden with his arms reaching into the air. Although some would pass it off as casual stretching, we think Hayden is beginning to show his true potential.

Despite being unable to walk, or even crawl, it's possible he's setting his sights on a much more lofty goal - flight.